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Privacy Policy

What happens with your personal details?


Valkenhorst Internet BV processes information about people on a daily basis. Van der Valk obeys the law. Van der Valk respects the privacy of the persons, the obtained information relates to and treats the information strictly confidentially. In this privacy statement we explain which personal data Van der Valk processes and for what purposes. This privacy statement also applies to all Van der The Residence 053 hotels, and restaurants that fall under the responsibility of Van der The Residence 053, as well as affiliated companies. The privacy statement does not apply to the processing of personal data by third parties, such as companies and/or websites that offer travel arrangements or travel packages. We encourage you to read the privacy statement carefully.

Valkenhorst Internet BV, located at Prins Bernhardstraat 75, 4132 If you have questions about the content of the privacy statement, please contact info@theresidenceenschede.nl.

All entities, mentioned above will be hereinafter called ?Van der The Residence 053?.

2.Personal data

Van der The Residence 053 processes various types of personal data for different purposes. See below for further details.

Guest registration

In order to book an overnight stay at one of the Van der The Residence 053 Hotels or rent one of the meeting rooms at Van der The Residence 053 Hotels, the hotel needs your gender, name, address, place of residence, telephone number, e -mail, arrival and departure date besides your payment details. Van der The Residence 053 collects these data and passes them on to the right hotel. We may also request additional personal data from you for the performance of our services, such as your nationality or guest preferences. We only process health data based on your consent, which allows us to offer better service to you, eg in terms of disabled access. These data are only used internally and they are not passed on to other organizations for commercial purposes.

Van der The Residence 053 account

In order to make a booking, we create an account. This way, bookings and information requests for a follow-up visit are easy to access, change and cancel. To create an account, we ask for your gender, name, address, place of residence, telephone number and e-mail details. These personal data are encrypted before they are stored in our database.

Van der The Residence 053 app

You can download the Van der The Residence 053 app for free. Through our app you can easily and securely make a reservation. Furthermore, it is possible to pay bookings that were already made through the app. You need a Van der The Residence 053 account, which can be created in the app.

(Direct) Marketing

In order to make offers that interest you, we collect commercially interesting information about people, such as demographic data. We do so by setting cookies. We may collect information about you from third parties, including information from our partners and social media sites in accordance with your settings on such websites.

Social media

Van der The Residence 053 can be found on various social media, including Facebook. Van der The Residence 053 uses social media plugins on its website. When you click on one of these buttons and you register with your social media account, information is shared with the social media website and possibly shown on your profile. Additionally, we may use your personal data when you use functions on the websites and/or social media apps, such as a “Facebook-like”. If such a function is used by you, we may obtain your personal data through our social media in question.

Contests and promotions (personal data)

Van der The Residence 053 often organizes competitions and promotions. If you respond or participate, we will ask for your personal details. These are used to inform the prizewinners, to carry out the contest or promotion and to measure the response.

Selection procedure

Van der The Residence 053 collects and processes data from applicants through personal contacts, by mail, by e-mail and / or telephone conversations. We collect, among other things, the name, gender, contact details, motivation letters, information about the level of education and the job history of the applicant. This information is relevant to the completion of the application procedure and will be removed no later than 4 weeks after the procedure has cone to an end. Only with your permission, Van der The Residence 053 may store your personal data longer in its records, so that you may be contacted again in the future.


Van der The Residence 053 also processes personal details of employees, as part of the employment contract and on a legal basis. For information on the processing of employees' personal data, please refer to the personnel manual of the entity you work for.


We do not share your personal data with companies, organizations and individuals outside Van der The Residence 053, except in one of the following circumstances.

With your permission

With your permission we can pass on your personal data to other parties. Permission is only valid if it is clear what your permission implies and what the consequences are.

For external processing

We provide personal data to our partners so that they can process data for us, based on our instructions and pursuant to our privacy policy and other appropriate confidentiality and security measures. With ?our partners? we mean, among other things, our IT suppliers and manager of the CRM system.A list of all external parties that cooperate with Van der The Residence 053 can be found below:

  • Amadeus
  • BIMBIM Bikes
  • Coosto
  • Copernica
  • Cycleshare
  • Facebook
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Hotel Price Ads
  • Help scout
  • Hoteliers.com
  • Ingenico (Business2you)
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Oakyapp
  • OK Pay
  • Online Dialogue
  • PayByLink
  • Redhotminute
  • Regional bouquet
  • Revinate
  • Room service
  • Roundabout.social
  • SMTPeter
  • Snapshot.travel
  • Trengo
  • Valk.com BV
  • Valk Business BV
  • Van der Valk Internet BV

Execution of an agreement

Provision of your personal data to third parties is permissible when this is necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations towards you. Part of this is processing your reservation. If it is necessary for the payment of bookings, we use a third party for the handling of online payments. We can also use your personal data to give effect to the amenity booked by you.

For legal reasons

We share personal data if we believe that disclosure of the data is necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations, legal procedures or requests from government authorities.

Legal obligation

If a legal obligation requires this from us, we will provide your personal information. As an example, the police might request information from us, as part of fraud investigations. Or the tax inspector has the right to claim all the information required to levy taxes on the grounds of Article 47 of the General Law on State Taxes. Van der The Residence 053 makes arrangements with the recipients of your personal data to ensure that the personal data are protected and treated confidentially.

4.Storage time

We do not store your personal data longer than necessary, unless there is a legal obligation to keep your personal data longer. Our basic principle is that we only retain personal data for as long as necessary to provide you with our products and/or services. After this we will delete your personal data as far as possible. Within this scope, the Van der The Residence 053 Account created by you will be deleted after an inactive period of 5 years, due to the duration of the Valk Loyal promotions that you can use for 3 years as an account holder. If you have provided your e-mail address (possibly through your account) so that we can keep you informed of our services, we will still keep your data for that purpose.

5. Transfer of personal data outside the EU

Van der The Residence 053 can transfer your personal data from the Netherlands to other countries. Countries within the European Economic Area (EEA) have an equivalent level of protection of personal data as the Netherlands. In compliance with the general requirements from privacy laws and regulations we can pass on your personal data to countries within the EEA. We can do this, for example, within our group for the benefit of good business operations. Outside the EEA, we will only pass on your personal data if there is an appropriate level of protection. Van der The Residence 053 uses model contracts that have been approved by the European Commission for this purpose.


Van der Valk uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the (electronic) device of the visitor when he visits the website for the first time. Cookies aim to collect information about someone, the website or statistics. Some cookies also have the purpose to improve the user experience of the website.

Types of cookies

We make a distinction between functional and non-functional cookies. We always set functional cookies. These are necessary for the website to work properly. Non-functional cookies process personal data beyond your range. Particularly these enable us to improve our services. They allow us eg to measure how often our website is used and what information visitors are looking for. We always ask your permission for requesting non-functional cookies.

We use the following non-functional cookies.

Analytical cookies

With analytical cookies we collect statistics about the visitors? use of the website. By measuring website usage, the website can be improved for the benefit of the users.

The following data are stored, among other things:

– – the IP address, which is made anonymous;- – technical characteristics, such as the browser you use;- – from which page you came to the web store.- – Tracking cookies

These are cookies that are set to identify an internet user on a website. By setting tracking cookies we can keep track of which internet pages you visit. From the information about your website visits we can deduce what your preferences and interests are. On this basis we can make send you personal offers.

Advertising cookies

We use advertising cookies to display personalized advertisements and to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. The advertising cookies are necessary to actually show the advertisements.

Block and delete cookies

If you do not want our website to store cookies on your computer, you can indicate this in the cookie notification that you will see during your first visit to our website. Have you accepted our cookies before? Then you will no longer see this message and you will have to delete the cookies yourself (if desired).

Cookies used by thrid parties

Van der The Residence 053 uses services, offered by the third parties mentioned below. These parties can also store cookies on your device while you use their services. Van der The Residence 053 uses:

  • Facebook Connect
  • Facebook Pixel
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Hotjar
  • Vimeo
  • Youtube

You also have the option to block the setting of cookies through your browser. Do you block all cookies? Then our website functions less well. We recommend that you selectively disable unwanted cookies. This can be done in your browser settings.

7.Your rights

You have a number of legal rights towards us: inspection, correction or supplementation, data exchange, restriction of processing, transfer of digital data and the right to object. Below we will explain these rights, besides how you exercise these rights towards us.

Right of inspection

At your request we will inform you in writing whether we process personal data of you. With your request you must identify yourself by means of a copy of your driving license or identity document. In our response we explain which personal data we have processed or process from you, and we will provide you with a copy of it. We also explain for what purposes the data are or are being processed, with whom the data are shared, how long they are expected to be stored, and what other rights you can exercise.

Improvement or addition

If you have received access to the processing of your personal data, you can ask us to correct inaccuracies or to fill in incomplete information. We motivate our response. If we decide to improve, you will receive an additional statement from us. This statement will also be sent to any recipients of your incorrect or incomplete data.

Deletion of data

You can request us to delete your personal data in our systems in one or more of the following cases:

  • the personal details are no longer required for the purposes for which we have processed them;
  • you withdraw your consent for (further) processing, and there is no other basis for processing;
  • you make a well-founded objection, and there are no compelling reasons not to honor your objection;
  • the personal data have been unlawfully processed by us;
  • we must delete your personal data on the basis of a legal obligation;
  • we have collected your data by means of mobile telephone or internet services;

Restriction of processing

If you have reported an inaccuracy or incompleteness in your personal data to us, you may request us to restrict the processing as long as we have your request pending. You may also request us to restrict the processing of your data if you believe that we are processing your data unlawfully or do not need it, or if you have objected to (further) processing of your data. After having received your restriction request we will only process the data after obtaining permission or for important reasons (such as legal proceedings).

Transfer digital data

If you have provided personal data to us in a structured, traditional digital file format, and we have processed your data with your consent or in the execution of an agreement with you, you have the right to request a copy of this information. In those cases, you can also ask us to forward your data directly to another service provider.


At all times, you may protect yourself against the processing of personal data that concerns you. This applies in particular to profiles that we have created based on your personal data. We will cease processing your data after having received your objection, unless we can provide compelling legitimate reasons that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms. If we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you may object to it at any time and we will immediately cease processing them.

Exercise rights

If you want to use one or more of your rights listed above, you can only contact us through the following email address: info@theresidenceenschede.nl,. Within 4 weeks, Van der The Residence 053 will decide about your request, unless we will notify you – within that time period – that we need a little more time. Are your personal data processed on the basis of your consent? Then you have the right to withdraw your consent. Any withdrawal of your permission will not affect previous processing.

6. Liability

Despite the care and attention paid to the management of this website, it is possible that the site contains incorrect information. Van der The Residence 053 cannot be held liable for technical or editorial errors that occur in this website, nor for any consequential damage resulting from the use or the temporary unavailability of this website or the links to the websites of third parties.

7. Complaints

Do you have a complaint about the use of your personal data? Please, note the complaints procedure with the Dutch Data Protection Authority. This authority is authorized to take note of your complaint.


Do you have any questions? Send your question in an e-mail to: info@theresidenceenschede.nl,.

This privacy statement is pursuant to the Dutch General Data Protection Regulation. We reserve the right to periodically update this privacy statement. The latest version is published on this page.

Version: May 2018

The Residence 053 Privacy Statement

The Residence 053 processes information about people on a daily basis. If you use services that The Residence 053 offers or you visit a Valk Exclusive hotel (“Hotel”), we (possibly) also process your personal data. In this Privacy Statement (the “Privacy Statement”) we explain which personal data we process, for what purpose and how you can exercise your privacy rights. You will also find other relevant information with regard to personal data.

We value your privacy. We therefore process your personal data in a careful manner and thereby comply with applicable laws and regulations.

  1. Applicability Privacy Statement

The Privacy Statement applies to all activities and actions of all Valk Exclusive hotels and restaurants (“Valk Exclusive”) relates to the services it offers or facilitates in the broadest sense of the word. Appendix 1 with this Privacy Statement contains a list of the hotels and restaurants that fall under this Privacy Statement. On this list you will also find the contact details for all privacy related questions.

The Privacy Statement does not apply to activities related to applicants and staff. For this The Residence 053 has established and published a separate Privacy Statement. The Privacy Statement also does not apply to the processing of personal data by parties from which The Residence 053 has received your personal data (such as booking organizations, travel agencies, employers, social media companies), or to the processing by any other third party . With regard to such processing, we refer to the Privacy Statement of these organizations.

  1. Consent to process personal data

By registering for or by using our products or services, you confirm that you have taken note of the content of the Privacy Statement and that you agree with the method of processing of personal data by The Residence 053 as described in the Privacy Statement. In those situations in which The Residence 053 is required by applicable privacy laws and regulations to explicitly request permission for the processing of your personal data and you provide this permission, you also consent to agree to what is described in this Privacy Statement.

  1. Nature, purpose and basis of the processing of personal data

The Residence 053 processes various types of personal data for various purposes. It is explained below which processing takes place for which purposes.

  1. Room and function room bookings

If you book or request a room, function room and/or other hotel facility, your personal data are required. It concerns your title, name, address, place of residence, date of birth, telephone number, email, signature, departure and arrival date, and your payment details. If you make a business booking, we will also collect the name and (address) details of your employer and/or client. We may also collect additional personal information from you that is of importance to our services and that you have provided to us voluntarily.

We only process health-related data in order to provide you with a better services, such as which allergies we should take into account or the fact that you wish to use amenities for the disabled. You are free to deny us health-related information.

As a hotel we are legally obliged to register a number of details of our guests. Additionally, we process certain data in order to be able to implement our services, and we have a legitimate interest in processing certain data to protect our business operations and to guarantee the quality of our services.

  1. Restaurant bookings

If you book in one of our restaurant, we will collect personal information (such as your title, name, address and preferences) in order to confirm the booking and to implement your wishes. Additoinally, we will ask you if there are any allergies, we should consider.

We process these details in order to be able to implement our restaurant services, including your permission.

  1. The Residence 053 Account and The Residence 053 App

If you make a booking through one of our websites, we will create an account for you that can also be used through our Valk Exclusive app. In order to create an account your title, gender, name, address, place of residence, date of birth, telephone number and email address are required. If you prefer payment through the The Residence 053 app, we will also request your payment details. Through your The Residence 053 account (and app) we collect information about your payments, stays, preferences. Loyaly points for discount and your restaurant ID number (please, see section 3.d. of the Privacy Statement).

As a Valk Exclusive member you also have the option to use the The Residence 053 online check in service. If you wish to make use of the service, we will additionally process your signature and the type of ID, with which you have identified yourself. You can also opt for linking your payment details and license plate number to your Valk Account.

We process this data in order to implement the Valk Account services, including your permission.

  1. Restaurant ID

We offer special discount to people who wish to participate in our Restaurant ID program. In order to create a Restaurant ID account, your title, gender, name, address, place of residence, date of birth, telephome number and email address are required. We also collect information about your Restaurant ID Points and invoices.

We process this data in order to implement the Restaurant ID services, including your permission.

  1. Contact requests, reviews, complaints and comments

If you wish to contact us because you have a question, complaint or comment with regard to our hotels, restaurants, services, website(s) or app(s), your contact details will be required, which allows us to contact you or improve our services.

If you place an online review or complaint regarding one of our hotels or restaurants, our services, website(s) or app(s) on one of our website(s), on social media or on a website of a booking partner, we will receive this through the used website and we will use this information to contact you about your complaint or comments or to improve our services.

We have a legitimate interest (improvement of services and complaints procedure) in the processing of these details. By requesting contact or by leaving your details on the contact form(s), website9s), etc,, you grant you permission to contact you.

  1. Security

Our hotels, restaurants, car parks and garages have camera surveillance to promote the safety of our guests, employees and belongings and to prevent theft and other irregularities.

We have a legitimate interest (security) in the processing of these details.

  1. License plate registration

Various The Residence 053 hotels use license plate number registration for registration and payment of parking fees. If you use these parking amenities, your license plate number will be registered in order to implement the parking services.

  1. Newsletters and mailings

If you use our services, you can also sign up for our newsletters. By means of personalized e-mail messages our newsletters will inform you about exclusive deals and you will be sent service messages. If you wish to sign up for our newsletter, we will collect your title, name, date of birth and email address, in order to send you the newsletter. We will also record the time at which you registered for the newsletter.

We use your consent to process this data.

  1. Contests

On a regular basis The Residence 053 organizes competitions, contests and promotions through its website(s) or social media. If you respond or participate, your name and contact details will be required. These are used to inform the prize winners, to carry out the promotion and to measure the response to the promotion.

We use your consent to process this data.

  1. (Direct) marketing

In order to send you deals that interest you and that are part of our services, we collect information about people that visit our website, such as demographic details. We do this by placing cookies. We may collect information about you from third parties, including information from our partners and social media sites, in accordance with your settings on such websites. We refer to the information regarding data collection through cookies in Chapter 7 of the Privacy Statement,

  1. Social media

The Residence 053 can be found on various social media, such as Facebook and Instagram. The Residence 053 uses social media plugins on its website. When you click on one these buttons and register with our social media account, you grant us permission to place cookies and information (name, gender, place of residence, date of birth, profile) will be shared with us.

  1. Black list and cash list

The Residence 053 applies a blacklist policy to counteract nuisance and crime in its hotels and restaurants. The Residence 053 also keeps a cash list against fraud and non-payment. The Residence 053 therefore has a justified interest in this type of data processing.

On the basis of this policy and in very exceptional cases, The Residence 053 can decide to refuse a guest access to its hotels or other services or to impose conditions on payment methods. This might be done in case of fraud, when someone causes nuisance, breaks the house rules, causes damage to belongings of other The Residence 053 guests or employees, causes injury to other The Residence 053 guests and/or employees or displays other improper behavior.

The Residence 053 applies a strict and careful policy in terms of data processing and data security regarding the blacklist and cash list. The regular privacy rights of someone involved apply fully (reference is made to chapter in the Privacy Statement).

  1. Processing of data regarding minors and children

The Residence 053 registers the name, gender and date of birth of minors and children if they be added to your Valk Exclusive app account or stay at one of our hotels in the company of a parent/guardian. The processing of additional children?s data is not The Residence 053?s aim, unless you consider it important that information about your children is brought to our attention.

The Residence 053 is legally obliged to process this data.

  1. Processing of data for the purpose of Corona measures

Due to government measures, we as a catering company are obliged to do a health check with all our guests and to register and store certain data. This concerns the full name, e-mail address, telephone number and date of your visit. With your permission, we also store your answer for a maximum of 14 days following the aforementioned health check.

  1. Providing and sharing your data with third parties

5.1 Transfer of your personal details

In order to be able to provide certain services and to meet the expected level of hospitality and service, we can share your personal details within The Residence 053, with our service providers and other third parties. We ensure that data sharing only takes place if the third party processes the data on the basis of our instructions, takes adequate appropriate (security) measures and guarantees us to obey the applicable privacy laws and regulations. Below you will find an overview of (the categories of) recipients.

  1. The Residence 053: Companies that are part of or affiliated with The Residence 053, are all active in the hotel sector and need your details to be able to provide the selected services correctly. The sole purpose of this transfer is the ability to correctly provide services to you.
  2. Event organizations / companies: if you visit Valk Excusief as part of a group event or meeting, information, collected for the planning of the event or meeting can be shared with the organizers and, if applicable, with the guests who organize or attend the meeting or the event.
  3. Service providers: we depend on third parties, including IT service providers, software maintenance parties to deliver services and products on our behalf and we may share your personal information with them, if appropriate. We may also use service providers that communicate news and provide promotional and transactional materials to you on our behalf, including personalized online advertising, in compliance with your preference and applicable laws.
  4. Other: The Residence 053 may also share personal information in order to:

– comply with applicable laws and regulations;

– respond to government requests or court orders;

– comply with valid legal procedures;

– safeguard the rights, privacy, safety or belongings of The Residence 053, guests or employees;

– enforce the conditions of our services;

– respond to an emergency.

5.2 Transfer of personal data outside the EEA

The Residence 053 may transfer personal data from the Netherlands to abroad. When personal details are processed by us outside the EEA, we will ensure an appropriate level of protection with regard to the transferred data. Service providers and other providers are required to take appropriate measures to guarantee the confidentiality and security of personal data.

5.3 Transfer of personal data (sources)

To be able to provide certain services and to meet the expected level of hospitality and service, we sometimes receive data from other organizations. Below you will find on overview of (the categories of) sources:

  1. The Residence 053: Companies that are part of The Residence 053 (see appendix 1) and related parties may share your data with the Hotel in order to be able to perform the selected services correctly. The sole purpose of this transfer is the ability to correctly provide services to you.
  2. Booking organizations/online travel agents: the The Residence 053 hotels can be booked through various websites and apps. These are The Residence 053 websites and apps (valkexclusief.nl), Van der Valk websites and apps (www.valk.com) or websites and apps from third parties. If you book through a website or app, your details and other information will be passed on to the hotel in question.
  3. Employer/client: if you are staying at our hotel for business, it may be that your employer or client has provided us with information about you.
  4. Event organizations: if you visit The Residence 053 as part of a group event or meeting, information collected for the planning of the event or meeting may be provided by the organizers and, if applicable, by the guests who participate in or organize the meeting or event.
  5. Social media: if you prefer to register for the The Residence 053 app through Facebook, The Residence 053 will get your name, profile photo and email address from Facebook (in addition to your account details).
  6. Retention period

We will not keep your personal data any longer than necessary, unless we have a legal obligation to keep your personal data for a longer period of time or if you have given you permission to do so. In tha latter case you can always reverse your permission.

Our basic principle is that we only keep personal data for as long as necessary in order to provide you with our products and/or services. After this we will delete your personal data, unless prohibited by law.

The The Residence 053 account you created will be deleted after an inactive time period of five years. This period is used because of the duration of the Valk Loyal promotions that you as account holder can use.

  1. Cookies

The Residence 053 uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the visitor's device (electronic device) on the first visit to a website. The purpose of cookies is to collect information about someone, about the website or statistics. Some cookies also have the purpose to improve the user experience with regard to the website.

Types of cookies

We distinguish between functional and non-functional cookies. We always place functional cookies. These are necessary for the website to work properly. Non-functional cookies process personal data beyond the range of vision. First and foremost these cookies enable us to improve our services. This allows us, for example, to measure how often our website is used and what information visitors are looking for. We always ask your permission to request non-functional cookies. We use the following non-functional cookies:

  1. Analytical cookies – with analytical cookies we collect statistics about the use of the website by users. By measuring website usage, the website can be improved for the benefit of the users. Among other things, the following data is stored:
  • the IP address, which is masked in accordance with the guidelines of the privacy laws and regulations;
  • technical characteristics, such as the browser you use;
  • from which page you came to the web store;
  • which internet pages you visit.
  1. Advertising cookies? we use advertising cookies to display personalized advertisements and to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. The advertising cookies are necessary to actually display the advertisements.
  2. Social ? cookies with which the content of the The Residence 053 websites can be shared on social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, Google + Linkedin and Youtube. We have no influence on the cookies that social media place nor on the data that they collect.
  3. Marketing – cookies with which we can offer relevant customized content. This may include relevant deals and information about our services. We do this on the basis of anonymized data about surfing, searching and purchasing behavior, through our own channels and those of third parties. If you disable these cookies you will still see advertisements, but they will be less relevant. These cookies also provide insight into the effectiveness of advertisements.
  4. Other – cookies that do not apply to the above categories, such as cookies that help with the improvement of the website?s user-friendliness. These cookies remember preferences and interests, to name a few. These may include language and currency preference, favorite hotel and preferred payment method.

Block and delete cookies
If you do not want our website to store cookies on your computer, you can indicate this in the cookie message that will be shown when you visit our website the first time. Have you already accepted our cookies? In that case you will no longer see this messsage and you (if required) must delete the cookies yourself. You can disable the placement of cookies by changing your browser settings. Please, note that certain functionalities on the website may not or only partially work if you disable cookies.

Cookies used by third parties
The Residence 053 uses the services of the third parties listed below. While using their services, these parties may also store cookies on your device. At the time of this version of the Privacy Statement, The Residence 053 used:

– Feedbackify
– Cookie bar
– Session
– Login
– RequestVerification
– Facebook
– Google Analytics
– Google Tag Manager
– Hotjar
– Trengo
– Doubleclick
– Shoppingminds

Google Analytics

The Residence 053 uses Google Analytics. The last part of the website visitor?s IP address is masked. We do not share any other details with Google through Google Analytics.

  1. Security and measures

We maintain a high level of security with regard to guest data. Guest data is stored encrypted. Access to data by The Residence 053 employees is based on necessity, given the position of the respective employees (need to know principle). Periodically The Residence 053 tests the security of its data processing and underlying IT systems. If we outsource data handling processes to third parties, we make agreements with these parties for adequate security of personal data. The measures taken are in line with applicable privacy laws and regulations. However, absolute (100%) protection of personal data cannot be guaranteed. If ? desplite the security measure taken – a security incident takes place, we will take measures to minimize the consequences regarding your privacy.

  1. Liability

In view of the aforementioned under point 8, The Residence 053 cannot be held responsible or liable for illegal, unauthorized or unintended processing and/or access to personal data that cannot be attributed to The Residence 053. We are also not responsible for the acts or omissions by third parties with whom we collaborate or to whom we refer on our website(s) or otherwise. He respective third parties are not covered by these Privacy Statements and we therefore advise you to carefully read the privacy statements of these third parties on the websites. In all the aforementioned cases, The Residence 053 rejects liability and there is no right to compensation, performance or any other claim against The Residence 053.

Despite the care and attention paid to the management of this website, this site may contain incorrect information. The Residence 053 cannot be held liable for technical or editorial errors that occur on this website, nor for any consequential damage that is the result of the use or temporary unavailability of this website or the links to third-party websites.

  1. Your rights

As a The Residence 053 guests or as a visitor to one of our website, you can request access, correction, deletion, objection, limitation or transfer of personal data. You also have the right to reverse your granted permission. Any reversed permission is without prejudice to previous processing.

  1. Right of access

You have the right to ask The Residence 053 if we process your personal data. If we do, you have the right to access the respective personal data, the purposes of the processing, any sources or recipients of this personal data besides the retention period.

  1. Right to rectification

If it becomes clear that the information is incorrect, you can submit a request to have this corrected.

  1. Right to erasure (?right to be forgotten?)

You may request us to delete any personal information we collect from you in the following cases:

  • the personal data is no longer required for the purposes for which we collected or processed it otherwise;
  • if the consent, on which the processing is based, is reversed by you;
  • if we process the personal data unlawfully;
  • we must delete your personal data, based on a legal obligation;
  • we have collected you data through mobile telephony or internet services.
  1. Right to restriction of processing

If you have reported an inaccuracy in your personal data to us or if you have objected to the processing, you can request us to restrict the processing, during the time we handle your request. You can also request us to restrict the processing if you believe that we are processing your data unlawfully or that we do not need it any longer for processing purposes and you need it for legal action.

  1. Right to data portability

If the processing takes place based on your consent or the processing is carried out throygh automated processes, you can request us to transmit your personal data to you. You can also request us to transmit this data to another controller.

  1. Right to object

At all times you have the right to object to the processing of personal data that concerns you. This applies in particular to profiles, we have created based on your personal data or if we use your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

Exercise rights

If you wish to exercise one or more of your rights listed above, this can only be done by sending an email message to the email address of the respective hotel (see appendix 1 to the Privacy Statement). Your request must meet the legal requirements. We may require you to identify yourself before we process a request. The Residence 053 will inform you about its decision within four weeks, unless we inform you within that time period that we will need more time.

Please note that under circumstances or based on applicable (privacy) laws and regulations, The Residence 053 may refuse to fully or partially comply with your request.

  1. Contact and identification

For questions, comments or complaints regarding the processing of personal data, you can contact the respective hotel. The contact details can be found in appendix 1 to the Privacy Statement. Please, indicate clearly in the subject title that it is about privacy and what the request is, which allows us to respond within the applicable time frame. If desired, you can also start a complaints procedure with the Dutch Data Protection Authority. This body is authorized to take note of your complaint and may decide to deal with the complaint further.

For questions about this Privacy Statement, please contact:

The Residence 053
Attn. Privacy coordinator
Winthontlaan 4-6
NL-3526 KV Utrecht
the Netherlands

  1. Modification of the Privacy Statement

The Residence 053 may modify the Privacy Statement. Modifications will be published on the websites as mentioned in appendix 1 and they will apply immediately, in full and unabridged to the The Residence 053 Privacy Policy. The Residence 053 therefore advises that you check regularly to see if there are any adjustments.

  1. Applicable law and competent court

Dutch law applies to the Privacy Statement. Any disputes between parties will only be submitted to the competent judge of the Midden-Nederland Court.

Click here to download this Privacy Statement.
Click here to download the contact details for all privacy-related questions.

Latest version August 2020

We would love to hear your feedback about our website!

Are you experiencing a problem while booking or do you have a comment about your visit to one of our hotels? Please contact us via www.theresidenceenchede.nl/contact or info@theresidenceenchede.nl.

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